The Only Perfect Addiction (3 of 3)
There are many choices when it comes to addiction, which is the result of our universal fall in Adam. Each person is an addict, though...

Addiction Defined is a Worship Disorder (2 of 3)
What the human heart desperately needs to overcome addiction is a supernatural transformation that gives the individual a new master who...

Everyone is an Addict (part 1 of 3)
One of the most asked questions that I receive privately is how to help a loved one or friend to overcome an addiction. To better answer...

Post-Traumatic Stress is not a Disorder
The psychiatric label of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) describes not a disease, but an impairing event(s) and a person’s normal...

Biblical Answers for the Construct of ADHD
Many people in today’s society are desperate for answers concerning their children’s maladaptive behavior and destructive mindsets....

The Stigma of Mental Illness
[First Published on www.Rick Thomas.com] Unless you have been living detached from electronics in the past five years, you are well aware...

Dylann Roof: Morally Evil or Mentally Ill?
In 2016, a young man named Dylann Roof walked into a church in Charleston, South Carolina and senselessly murdered 9 strangers who had...

Prominent Psychiatrists Claim that Schizophrenia is not a Real Disease
This is important and exciting news! One of the leading researchers and theorists of the construct of schizophrenia, psychiatrist Robin...

Autism Now Linked to 'Antidepressants'
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs at least 1% of the US children and affects many families throughout the world. But...

Why I do not Believe in Racism (the belief in different races)
Hate crimes, segregation, and prejudices against people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds not only exist in America, they seem...